Blog post - D'Angelo Cronin

How I Met Your Mother has to be one of my favorite TV shows of all time. The show begins with five friends going through their daily lives living in New York City. The main narrator and actor of the show Ted Mosby explains to his kids about his ongoing relationship struggles before meeting their mother. My Marxist Analysis on this would consider all of these five friends to be the proletariats throughout the show because most of them are middle class working people. As we see in the show there are several relationships that Ted Mosby goes through, and all of his friends set different standards on what it means to be in a monogamous relationship. As we see the only married couple in the group Lily and Marshall are the positive role models to Ted Mosby. You could almost label Lily and Marshall as the “perfect couple”. Although they do have their minor struggles which comes with being in a relationship, their love for one another remains stable throughout the entire show. Now as ...