Blog Post #3 Sam Manson of Danny Phantom

            The idea of the Manic Pixie Dream Girl is used in a show to bring new life to the male character’s ordinary lifestyle. The Manic Pixie Dream Girl can be seen as beautiful and high spirited but also weird and unconventional at the same time. The first person that came to my mind when thinking about this Manny Pixie Dream Girl would have to be Sam Manson from the Nickelodeon series Danny Phantom. The shows main character centers around a fourteen-year-old high school boy named Daniel Fenton who lives double lifestyle when he discovers his ghostly superpowers to then become Danny Phantom who then fights off ghosts while still maintaining his teenage lifestyle.
            Sam and Danny become best friends throughout the series of the show, but end up developing a love for one another towards the end of the show. Sam to me is the ideal Manic Pixie Dream Girl because she is adventurous as well as self-determined. She is also seen as a Goth girl who is vegetarian and outgoing, but also kind-hearted. She is also big on individuality, which makes her unique. Sam and Danny go through previous relationships with other individuals, which is why towards the end of the show they realize that they need each other in their lives.
            It is important to note that Sam would do anything to help Danny out, whether it be in his average high school life or his superhero life. Sam did have a tendency to be jealous of Danny’s previous girlfriends, to eventually at the end of the show proclaiming her feelings towards Danny. Throughout the show, Danny is unaware of the of Sam’s love for him because she is too timid most of the time to express herself in that manner. Sam’s affection for Danny is spiked when she realizes that he starts to use his powers to help protect people and not for other reasons.
            Sam also does show signs at times of being individualistic, which is not what the Manic Pixie Dream girl is portrayed to be. She can tend to be sarcastic and assertive when she needs to be, she still has a caring heart, especially for Danny. At times during the show, she does tend to get on Danny’s nerves, but I think that’s just a way to prove that she really likes Danny. If it weren’t for Sam being in the show, Danny would almost be lost because Sam resembles that female backbone mostly every male superhero needs.
            In conclusion, Sam Manson is the perfect representation of a Manic Pixie Girl because of her ability to support Danny Phantom throughout his heroic journey as a ghost fighter and as a teenage freshman in high school. Sam does what she can to help Danny through some of the numerous battles that he encounters as a ghost fighter sometimes even putting her own life on the line. Danny finally realizes Sam’s efforts and selflessness to the point where they share a kiss towards the end of the episode to finally become a couple.


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